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DNA Immigration Testing

Immigration DNA

We will help to simplify the DNA process for getting an AABB Accredited DNA Immigration Test done between petitioners and beneficiaries residing in the US and abroad.

There are several Immigration DNA Tests to prove that the petitioner and beneficiary are in fact related

  • DNA Paternity Test which consists of father and child
  • DNA Maternity Test consisting of mother and child
  • DNA Siblingship Test to determine if the brothers or sisters are related to the father or mother.

General Process

When the petitioner has FORM I-130 documents in order, an appointment is set for DNA collection in the convenience of either the petitioner's home, office or lab facility.

The DNA Immigration Results go directly to the requesting Embassy or Immigration office in the designated country. The petitioner also receives a copy of the results. Our AABB laboratories have the accreditations for testing paternity which sends a DNA Kit to the Embassy or Immigration office of requesting country. The emabassy will contact the beneficiary to come in and complete the Immigration DNA collection.

General Process

AABB DNA Immigration Checklist

  • Fax or scan ALL of the pages of your I-130 Response Letter to 203-934-5777 or email carolmezz@yahoo.com
  • Email to carolmezz@yahoo.com Petitioners Name, Address, telephone number, Date of Birth, and email address.
  • Email to carolmezz@yahoo.com Confirm name of country. Complete Information of Beneficiary: Full name, Telephone numbers, Date of Birth, and email address.
  • Petitioner must Call 888-934-8868 or for local 203-934-8868 for a 3-Way Call to Laboratory.
  • Call to schedule a local DNA test for Petitioner with a certified DNA Technician. (you DO NOT need to leave the state. We have LOCAL facilities and mobile services to come to your home or office.)
  • Make Payment at time of DNA test with Petitioner.
  • We will send an email with a FedEx Tracking number to track when the Lab sends the DNA Kit to the Embassy and when it arrives at the USCIO office. Once the kit arrives at the Embassy, now is a good time to call the Beneficiary to let them know the Embassy will be contacting them soon. (This part of the process can take 6-12 weeks depending on the country.) Email or call when the Beneficiary completes the DNA test so we can track back to the US.
  • Copies of the DNA Test results will be sent to Petitioner and also overnighted by FedEx to the USCIO office in the US.

Thank you for allowing Accurate DNA Services in helping with uniting families back together.
For more info Contact 888-934-8868

serving countries

Serving 220

The application Form I-130 for Immigration DNA Testing can be found by clicking below.


Appointment Today 888-934-8868

Accurate DNA Services 167 Church St West Haven, CT 06516 ~ United Way