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We Understand

At Accurate DNA, we understand your needs and concerns about getting accurate and efficient DNA testing services. We are here to offer you a reliable solution to whatever service you may need. Our mission help you get to the truth and to make the process of getting your DNA test from start to finish stress free. Our specialized diagnostic team progressively works on- DNA paternity, Prenatal DNA, Family Relationship DNA and special forensic cases.

We are a Market Leader for a Reason

Because of our reputation, compassion and know how, Accurate DNA Test Services specializes in DNA Paternity, Prenatal, AABB Immigration and special forensic testing . We understand unique situations may require the "truth" and we do our best to find it and expedite that information  back to you. We work directly with you throughout the entire process from collecting  the specimens at a specified location to maintaining privacy and convenience, and getting the solutions needed to help resolve your DNA testing process. From Paternity Testing Services to Immigration DNA Testing to Forensic and Infidelity DNA Testing, we provide you with Accurate DNA Testing results. All DNA Paternity Test results are confidential and with a chain of custody will hold up in court for Child Support cases, Child Custody cases, Adoption, Birth Records, and Social Security. read more

Did You Know?

A DNA Paternity test can be done even when the alleged father is not present.

Accurate Dna

DNA tests are powerful tools when determining the paternity in divorce and related custody or child support cases. One can still determine a child’s paternity even without the alleged father. In some cases, the father may be deceased and a DNA test needs to be done to determine parentage so the child can possibly collect social security benefits. Collecting a mouth swab of the paternal grandparents side is best if the father is not available.

With a deceased alleged father, we can also work with the state coroner’s offices to obtain DNA samples that can be matched with the child. DNA test can be conducted without the father knowing but, the results will be strictly for personal information and use only.

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